Perform When it Counts


High Pressure. High Stakes. 


Most people define success as Achievement despite years of experience meeting big goals that bring fleeting joy.

You understand there is another way.

You will always have a bias for High Performance. It’s how you’re wired. But “more” is not getting you want you want. Let’s re-define success your way.

My Super Power is Helping You Achieve Yours While Enhancing You.



As a former litigation attorney, I traded wearing my pumps at the Courthouse for steel toed and steel shanked boots at the firehouse (at age 39) where I lead teams of firefighters as the first female officer in the history of my Department.

For over three decades, I've performed in intense, often life or death situations, where it was essential that I perform at my best with the additional pressure of being the "first" and the "only".

When you want to perform at your highest potential without sacrificing what's important, contact me.



When you are ready ...

Here are a few ways we can connect.

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Learning is Magic! When I learn something fun that I think will help you perform at your best, I'll share it. 

Explore Here

Teams and 1:1

Happy? Wondering if this is all there is or what's next?  Feeling like more isn't the answer and curious about what something different could look like?

I usually work with clients 1:1 over the course of a year or more.  And, I design single day, and half day sessions.  All my work is tailor made.  We can design together what will work best for your style of transformation.

Curious? Reach me at

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Learn How to Avoid the 3 traps of Fear, Fatigue & Frustration

So you can show up as your most energized, joyful and productive self. 

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