Life is filled with challenges, right?

Sometimes, it feels like they are piling up.  

Of course, it is part of the human experience to have challenges.

These never go away!

And, sometimes it feels like the hard challenges are, well, adding up!

The last week, I have felt like maybe I have too much on my plate, too many challenges to handle.

I walked out my door on the way to physical therapy for my new hip and noticed something.

The daffodil.

Yes, it was blooming.


But, that isn't it. 

Or, it's not what got my attention.

We have daffodils all over the yard blooming.

This one is different.

This bulb had to grow a stalk over 3 feet high through a bush to bloom!

Now, that is resilience!

And, if you look to the left - there is another one!

Okay so this might seem a tad ridiculous but really if that daffodil can do it, can't we?

Be resilient.

Ok - but what is even better than being resilient?

Being Anti-Fragile.

Being anti-fragile is simply allowing each challenge to make you stronger.  

Join me in getting your antifragile on!






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